
QPM Pilot Expert belongs to the Sport range, the aim of which is to help improve sporting performances. This application developed with the help of sports psychologists Jean-Cyrille LECOQ and Jean-Marc SURDEAU, enables its users to identify an automotive pilot’s condition generally, or before a race. They can thus, through mental preparation and sports coaching, harmonize the mental and physical condition of the golfer concerned, and hence improve his / her performances. The application can also be applied to the way the team, as a whole, operates. The goal of QPM Pilot Expert is to provide those responsible for pilot’s preparation, and that of the team, with all of the information needed to optimize their mission.

Users concerned

  • Trainers
  • Mental preparation experts
  • Sports psychologists
  • Sports coaches
  • Osteopaths


QPM Pilote Expert comprises 45 criteria, organized into different chapters :

  • Primary behavior patterns
  • Level of form (physical, mental, emotional)
  • Self-confidence
  • Concentration and selective attention
  • Motivational guidelines
  • Stress levels
  • Anxiety levels
  • Coping skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Potential strengths
  • Social skills
  • Modes of communication
  • Body image

Example of measurement